How African countries are preparing for COP27
The climate negotiations of COP26 change must take into account the needs of Africa. The continent has been significantly adversely affected by climate change with droughts, floods and catastrophic storms becoming more frequent. African countries need to take action to protect their citizens and require that wealthy nations accept responsibility for their emissions. Global south should be paid for all the loss and damage caused by climate catastrophes. The COP26 conference provides an opportunity to Africa to prove to the world that it’s committed to fighting climate change. It is our responsibility to use this chance to demand action from the wealthy nations that have the greatest contribution to the problem.
1. What is the reason it’s important that the south of the world represent itself in climate negotiation?
It is important for the global south to be included in climate negotiations for a number of reasons. First of all, climate change impacts are disproportionately experienced in the world’s south. It is because of several factors, including the fact that many countries in the global south are located in tropical or subtropical regions, which are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Furthermore, many of the countries in the global south run economies heavily dependent on agriculture, fishing, and other natural resources, that are particularly susceptible to the impact of changes in climate. In addition, the global south houses large portions of the worldwide population.
2. What is the reason that some young activists believe that wealthy countries should take on the burden of massive emission cuts , as well as compensation for the loss as well as damage caused by the extreme weather events?
Some youth activists believe wealthy people should be held responsible for cutting the emissions they emit and for compensating any damage or loss caused by climate disasters. The first is that developed countries are responsible for the greatest amount of greenhouse gas emissions since before the Industrial Revolution. Second, the developed nations are financially strong and have the capability to cut their carbon emissions significantly, as well as pay compensation. The majority of countries in the developing world lack this ability. The developed world has profited from fossil fuels whereas the less developed world is often suffering more severe effects of climate change. A majority of all historical greenhouse gas emissions are blamed on developed countries.
3. Which are the most recent disasters caused by climate change that the global south has experienced?
The world’s south has seen a number of climate-induced disasters that include floods, storms or droughts, as well as wildfires. People have experienced devastating consequences due to these events, including death tolls, damages of infrastructure, and displacement. These disasters are likely to become more frequent and intense due to climate change, which could have devastating effects for those most in need.
A Short Summary
A number of developed nations have made use of the recession and conflict in Ukraine as a reason to excuse their inability to tackle the effects of climate changes. Young climate activists in Africa are optimistic but have modest demands of UN climate talks that begin on Sunday. Rishi Sunak is not interested in attending the UN climate conference following Johnson’s poor energy plan , and Truss’s doubt about net zero, is now our problem. The situation will not improve if there’s no commitment by the developed countries.