How to find the perpetrators of a crime
It is with immense sadness that we write about the tragic events that unfolded on the Kanjuruhan stadium in Malang, East Java, on the night of Saturday. As a way to prevent a raging riot from Arema FC fans, officers applied tear gas and gas on an enormous number of people. Our condolences go out to all those who have been affected by the tragedy. We offer our sincere condolences to the injured.
1. What was it that caused fans to be in a state of panic and rush the stadium?
In the absence of security measures , and the overcrowding in the stadium, panicked supporters hurled themselves into the arena. The stampede caused the deaths of more than 125 and numerous wounded. Indonesia’s police have started an investigation into the event in order to find the perpetrators.
2. How many were murdered in the stampede?
A minimum of 125 people were killed as well as scores of others wounded in the stampede that took place at Jakarta’s nightclub. It occurred in the early hours of Sunday. It happened as revelers celebrated the closing of Ramadan, the Muslim Holy month Ramadan. The stampede is being probed as a crime police from the Indonesian police. Investigators are at present conducting an investigation from every angle in order in order to pinpoint the source of the incident. The stampede took place at the crowded Exit nightclub located in The North Jakarta district of Kelapa Gading.
3. What is the exact number of individuals who suffered injuries?
The news story “Find the Perpetrators” says that three suffered injuries by the Stampede deaths. This is a tragic event that took place, and it’s imperative that perpetrators of the crime are identified and prosecuted. The Indonesian police must find and punish the perpetrators in this incident.
Quick Summary
The Indonesian government has urged the country’s police to investigate and punish the perpetrators of a deadly soccer stampede that caused the deaths of 125.